WALKING DOWN THE MEMORY LANE – LEST WE FORGET – Zimbabwe Legends | ZimLegends – By Joel Masuka
Our vision is to comprehensively and digitally collect, compile, write, record and systematically document as well as archive Zimbabwe Legends of yester year, as well as current Legends, for the ultimate and multifaceted purpose of informing, educating and entertaining, present and future generations of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe legends include but are not limited to, the individuals, teams, groups who have exceptionally exhibited unique proficiencies in the fields of arts, entertainment, sports of all types, music, business, culture, philanthropy work, humanitarian work, community work and a plethora of other social fields . ZIMLEGENDS is recurrently documenting and is going to continue to develop, cultivate, revitalize, distribute and publish online as well as digitally store memories of our cherished legends, by featuring their extra-ordinary performances, in digital format, for everyone, both in Zimbabwe and those in the Global village to watch, hear, read, learn and enjoy. Zimbabwe Legends | ZimLegends is comprised of a national digital database, which shall only be comprised of civilian, non- political and non-religious personalities, who have extremely excelled or are still excelling in their contribution of distinction, within their respective fields, to deservedly earn them this prestigious status of a, Zimbabwe Legend. To achieve its Vision and goals, ZimLegends, through its website, (www.1zimlegends.com) is continually developing, nurturing and maintaining an unprecedented, broad-based, as well as a dynamic, digital online database of Zimbabwe’s luminaries, stars and legends. This distinctive online databank is the first one of its magnitude and kind in Zimbabwe, it stands in a class of its own, and is second-to-none, in terms of comparison, throughout Zimbabwe. This colossal digital database is envisaged to be Zimbabwe’s largest, diversified, robust and wide-ranging online reservoir of Zimbabwe’s former, late as well as current living legends and celebrities. Zimlegends website content is dynamically versatile, in that it is perpetually evolving, to include and feature all Zimbabwe’s celebrities and achievers, who at one time in their lives, once dominated or are still dominating Zimbabwe’s arena of sports like, soccer, golf, tennis, boxing, cricket, rugby, basketball and a plethora of other recreational disciplines. This vibrant database is dedicated to the Legends who immeasurably contributed and continue to contribute to Zimbabwe’s development in all the afore-mentioned fields. These are the individuals, teams and groups who have unreservedly raised Zimbabwe’s National Flag, even higher, within and beyond our national borders. Equally true, these are the very same individuals, teams and groups who, due to their amazing work and enactments, once preoccupied and continue to occupy our hearts and minds, in whatever their respective field of performance. ZimLegends features and shall continue to feature documentary videos, articles, biographies and profiles of our luminaries, stars and legends. These productions are meant to teach, inform, educate as well as entertain our audiences and followers. The documentaries, to be published, shall be in the form of Live Videos, Audio Interviews and feature articles as well as historic articles. In the case of late legends, these documentaries shall be presented by the luminaries’ authentic sources, for instance, their surviving spouse, their contemporaries, relatives, their former Trainers, Managers, their mentors, friends and fans. ZimLegends Video interviews and articles are voluntarily presented, either by the legends themselves or by their bona fide representatives, for the purpose of public consumption, by the Zimbabwean populace as well as the global village at large. All these Video, Audio Interviews as well as articles, are offered freely, for purely public consumption, with no expectation, whatsoever, for past, present or future material or monetary benefit. One of the most significant, long-term goals of ZimLegends is, to work with local associations, local municipalities and local councils in developing and resuscitating sports, skills training programs and projects, music and arts infrastructure for the youth. ZimLegends realizes, recognizes and appreciates the crucial role which the City Councils, Boys and Girls clubs as well as YMCA and YWCA played during the past generations’ upbringing. It was through the local municipalities and councils who deliberately, planned, and made sustained efforts of designing, funding and running youth programs, which helped to produce the finest crop of Zimbabwe Legends that we see today, the ones whom we are now celebrating. The legends themselves can testify that their success stories, were a direct product of hard work, coupled by serious training conducted by the local community workers, hence, today we have legends, the likes of Willard “Mahwihwi” Khumalo, Stix Mutizwa, Moses Chunga, Friday Phiri, Joel Shambo, Darlington Choto, Oliver Mtukudzi, Proud Kilimanjaro Chinembiri – Boxing , Madinda “Khatazile” Ndlovu, Peter Ndlovu, Barry Dhaka, Peter Nkomo, Charles Mabika – Soccer Commentary, Hilton Mambo – ZBC, Gideon Neganje – Pied Pipers, Shaw Handriade, Shakeman Tauro, Sunday Marimo, Manu Kambani – Sounds Effects, Jethro Shasha – Sounds Effects,Sunday Marimo Chidzambwa, the list is endless. It is ZimLegend’s belief and conviction that our clubs, at local level, massively played a momentous role in the grooming and provision of skills training to girls and boys of our older generations. ZimLegends shall strive to canvass for national as well as international support, in the form of donations of equipment and materials needed in sports and arts facilities of local municipalities, councils and other recreational social organizations. ZimLegends shall also engage in fundraising activities of all sorts, locally and internationally, in an effort to promote and support these youth clubs and recreational institutions. Where possible, ZimLegends shall also reward some of these outstanding Legends by recognition symbols like, Trophies, Awards etc at some ceremonies to be held in the future. Some of ZimLegends’ current volunteers and contributors include but are not confined to: Kennedy Makore – National Coordinating Director in Zimbabwe, Innocent Nazare –Harare Zimbabwe, Crispen Masuka – Pennslyvannia USA, Charles Zulu – Toronto Canada, Allen Masunda – Toronto Canada, Malosa “DJ Losa” Kanama – Visual/Graphic Artist – Toronto Canada, Darlington Choto – Toronto Canada, Stix Mutizwa – Harare Zimbabwe, Tapfuma Machakaire – Bulawayo Zimbabwe, Lionel Kuvheya – Toronto Canada, Martin Mungate – Massachusetts USA, Ndinga Mvere – Newcastle United Kingdom, David Makuto – Toronto Canada, Tarisai Vushe – Theater Artist /Psychologist – Sydney Australia,Farai Chifamba – Harare Zimbabwe. For All Inquiries Please forward them to: Joel Masuka – ZimLegends Founder – IT, Marketing and PR Consultant. Website url: www.1zimlegends.com Please Note: If you have an individual or individuals whom you feel and recognize that, they immensely contributed to the development our country in any of the following categories, arts, entertainment, sports, music, business, culture, philanthropy, humanitarian work community work and numerous other social, civic fields and disciplines, please do not hesitate to nominate them for the Status of a Legend by emailing us at – Email : 1zimlegends@gmail.co Compiled, Produced and Published By Zimbabwe Legends | ZimLegends Managing Director, Founder And Chairman Of The Board Of Directors: Joel Masuka Website url: www.1zimlegends.com , Email : 1zimlegends@gmail.com Giving Back To Our Community Is The Hallmark Of Our Tradition And Paying Tribute To Our Late And Living Legends Is A Measure Of Our Heritage – www.1zimlegends.com