System Tazvida
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System Tazvida
Fanuel Nyasha Tazvida aka System Tazvida was a popular Zimbabwean Sungura musician whose legion of fans addressed him as Mukoma which means bother.He was one musician who catered for the ordinary person propbably morethan any other artist in Zimbabwe.
The title mukoma is usually reserved for the influential and the affluent in situations where people using the salutation are not related to the respected individual. Tazvida’s music was so pregnant with social commentary that he earned the respect of his fans who still refer to him as Mukoma even as he lies in his grave two decades after his death.
Fanuel Nyasha Tazvida was born on May 2, 1968 in Zaka district Masvingo province formerly known as Fort Victoria during the Rhodesian era.Tazvida had a raw high pitched voice which combined with satirical lyrics placed him in a class of his own as a rare breed of an artist, the founder of “Smoko” music which can be described as simple music with a salient impact. It could have been borrowed from the old adage “There is no smoke without fire” In their music Boyz DzeSmoko (smoke) would always prick someon’s nerve.
In one of his hit songs Anodyiwa Haataure Tazvita blatantly castigates men who recklessly spend their hard earned income to entertain ladies of the night.
It is said that growing up as a young man Tazvida joined the school choir but was quickly ejected by the choir master who felt the boy was not a good singer, little did the teacher know that Fanuel had a hidden musical talent which was to emerge years later, propelled by that very raw “horrible” voice that he rejected in his choir.
Tazvida’s career began as a doorman for The Spiders (Leonard Dembo’s first band). As he was building his career in music System raised extra cash through photography by taking pictures in the park.
What made Mukoma System stand out from the rest was his preparedness and ability to entertain fans not only in the urban centres and growth points but on commercial farms, mining compounds and any open space that could attract even a small crowd. Unlike most musicians that opted to perform only in front of huge crowds in urban centres, Tazvida with his strong rural background always had in mind the grassroots communities both in composing his music and planning for live shows. On the farms he would dish a musical menu directed at the welfare of the struggling farm workers. He would question the oppressive tendencies of the farm supervisors “Vaforomani, ndimi mawondonga purazi, gadzirisai mitemo yenyu vanhu vashande,” Farm supervisors you are responsible for the near demise of the farm. Fix your rules to enable people to work.
One of his avid fans Tandazani Zimbwa told ZimLegends that he used to attend Mukoma System’s shows in a tennis court at Gokwe centre which would be fenced off with plastics to resemble an enclosed theatre.
Tazvida played with various bands including the Khiama Boys, the Mabhauwa Express and the Sungura Boys before he formed the Chazezesa Challenges.
The song which put him in the lime light was Mabhauwa which he sang with Khiama boys. While he was best known for his hits Anodyiwa Haataure and Mushandi Ndimambo, it was his 1993 hit Rudo Tsika Nemagariro which propelled him to national stardom.
Ivawo Wangu an impassioned appeal to be loved was one of his early hits from the 1980’s which he did with the Sungura Boys .
The illustrious work with the Khiama Boys saw the band featuring luminaries such as Nicholas Zakaria, Silas Chakanyuka and Cephas Karushanga.After releasing the hit Mabhauwa System had a misunderstanding with Khiama Boys which led to him and Karushanga leaving to form Mabhauwa Express before he later put together the Chazezesa Challengers.
The Challengers included his brothers Peter Tazvida on bass, Isaac Tazvida on backing vocals, Lucky Mumiriki on Rhythm a former member of Nyami Sounds, Hurungwe Sounds and the Sungura Boys, Roggers Fatiya a former member of Titus Zihute on Drums and his young brother Last Fatiya who also played with Titus zihute was on Lead guitar. Guitarist LeeRoy Lunga, who had played with the Super Sounds and the Kasongo Band joined Chazezesa Challengers in 1997 after the hit Anodyiwa Haataure. In 1997 Roggers Fatiya, Last Fatiya and young Tazvida, Isaac Tazvida left the group then Roy Lunga became the Lead guitarist and backing vocalist. The band blended elements of sungura, jazz, South African mbaqanga and traditional music
System Tazvida was married to Barbara Mabuyaye.He died on February 4 1999, aged just 30.